TikTokApi package


TikTokApi Main Class

This is the main TikTokApi module. It contains the TikTokApi class which is the main class of the package.

class TikTokApi.tiktok.TikTokApi(logging_level: int = 30, logger_name: str = None)[source]

Bases: object

The main TikTokApi class that contains all the endpoints.

Import With:
from TikTokApi import TikTokApi
api = TikTokApi()
async close_sessions()[source]

Close all the sessions. Should be called when you’re done with the TikTokApi object


alias of Comment

async create_sessions(num_sessions=5, headless=True, ms_tokens: list[str] = None, proxies: list = None, sleep_after=1, starting_url='https://www.tiktok.com', context_options: dict = {}, override_browser_args: list[dict] = None, cookies: list[dict] = None, suppress_resource_load_types: list[str] = None, browser: str = 'chromium', executable_path: str = None, timeout: int = 30000)[source]

Create sessions for use within the TikTokApi class.

These sessions are what will carry out requesting your data from TikTok.

  • num_sessions (int) – The amount of sessions you want to create.

  • headless (bool) – Whether or not you want the browser to be headless.

  • ms_tokens (list[str]) – A list of msTokens to use for the sessions, you can get these from your cookies after visiting TikTok. If you don’t provide any, the sessions will try to get them themselves, but this is not guaranteed to work.

  • proxies (list) – A list of proxies to use for the sessions

  • sleep_after (int) – The amount of time to sleep after creating a session, this is to allow the msToken to be generated.

  • starting_url (str) – The url to start the sessions on, this is usually https://www.tiktok.com.

  • context_options (dict) – Options to pass to the playwright context.

  • override_browser_args (list[dict]) – A list of dictionaries containing arguments to pass to the browser.

  • cookies (list[dict]) – A list of cookies to use for the sessions, you can get these from your cookies after visiting TikTok.

  • suppress_resource_load_types (list[str]) – Types of resources to suppress playwright from loading, excluding more types will make playwright faster.. Types: document, stylesheet, image, media, font, script, textrack, xhr, fetch, eventsource, websocket, manifest, other.

  • browser (str) – firefox, chromium, or webkit; default is chromium

  • executable_path (str) – Path to the browser executable

  • timeout (int) – The timeout in milliseconds for page navigation

Example Usage:
from TikTokApi import TikTokApi
with TikTokApi() as api:
    await api.create_sessions(num_sessions=5, ms_tokens=['msToken1', 'msToken2'])
generate_js_fetch(method: str, url: str, headers: dict) str[source]

Generate a javascript fetch function for use in playwright

async generate_x_bogus(url: str, **kwargs)[source]

Generate the X-Bogus header for a url

async get_session_content(url: str, **kwargs)[source]

Get the content of a url

async get_session_cookies(session)[source]

Get the cookies for a session


session (TikTokPlaywrightSession) – The session to get the cookies for.


The cookies for the session.

Return type:



alias of Hashtag

async make_request(url: str, headers: dict = None, params: dict = None, retries: int = 3, exponential_backoff: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a request to TikTok through a session.

  • url (str) – The url to make the request to.

  • headers (dict) – The headers to use for the request.

  • params (dict) – The params to use for the request.

  • retries (int) – The amount of times to retry the request if it fails.

  • exponential_backoff (bool) – Whether or not to use exponential backoff when retrying the request.

  • session_index (int) – The index of the session you want to use, if not provided a random session will be used.


The json response from TikTok.

Return type:



Exception – If the request fails.


alias of Playlist

async run_fetch_script(url: str, headers: dict, **kwargs)[source]

Execute a javascript fetch function in a session

  • url (str) – The url to fetch.

  • headers (dict) – The headers to use for the fetch.


The result of the fetch. Seems to be a string or dict

Return type:



alias of Search

async set_session_cookies(session, cookies)[source]

Set the cookies for a session

  • session (TikTokPlaywrightSession) – The session to set the cookies for.

  • cookies (dict) – The cookies to set for the session.

async sign_url(url: str, **kwargs)[source]

Sign a url


alias of Sound

async stop_playwright()[source]

Stop the playwright browser


alias of Trending


alias of User


alias of Video

class TikTokApi.tiktok.TikTokPlaywrightSession(context: Any, page: Any, proxy: str = None, params: dict = None, headers: dict = None, ms_token: str = None, base_url: str = 'https://www.tiktok.com')[source]

Bases: object

A TikTok session using Playwright

base_url: str = 'https://www.tiktok.com'
context: Any
headers: dict = None
ms_token: str = None
page: Any
params: dict = None
proxy: str = None

TikTokApi.exceptions module

exception TikTokApi.exceptions.CaptchaException(raw_response, message, error_code=None)[source]

Bases: TikTokException

TikTok is showing captcha

exception TikTokApi.exceptions.EmptyResponseException(raw_response, message, error_code=None)[source]

Bases: TikTokException

TikTok sent back an empty response.

exception TikTokApi.exceptions.InvalidJSONException(raw_response, message, error_code=None)[source]

Bases: TikTokException

TikTok returned invalid JSON.

exception TikTokApi.exceptions.InvalidResponseException(raw_response, message, error_code=None)[source]

Bases: TikTokException

The response from TikTok was invalid.

exception TikTokApi.exceptions.NotFoundException(raw_response, message, error_code=None)[source]

Bases: TikTokException

TikTok indicated that this object does not exist.

exception TikTokApi.exceptions.SoundRemovedException(raw_response, message, error_code=None)[source]

Bases: TikTokException

This TikTok sound has no id from being removed by TikTok.

exception TikTokApi.exceptions.TikTokException(raw_response, message, error_code=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Generic exception that all other TikTok errors are children of.

TikTokApi.helpers module

TikTokApi.helpers.extract_video_id_from_url(url, headers={}, proxy=None)[source]
TikTokApi.helpers.random_choice(choices: list)[source]

Return a random choice from a list, or None if the list is empty