Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from ..helpers import extract_video_id_from_url
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, Iterator, Optional
from datetime import datetime
import requests
from ..exceptions import InvalidResponseException
import json

    from ..tiktok import TikTokApi
    from .user import User
    from .sound import Sound
    from .hashtag import Hashtag
    from .comment import Comment

[docs] class Video: """ A TikTok Video class Example Usage ```py video ='7041997751718137094') ``` """ parent: ClassVar[TikTokApi] id: Optional[str] """TikTok's ID of the Video""" url: Optional[str] """The URL of the Video""" create_time: Optional[datetime] """The creation time of the Video""" stats: Optional[dict] """TikTok's stats of the Video""" author: Optional[User] """The User who created the Video""" sound: Optional[Sound] """The Sound that is associated with the Video""" hashtags: Optional[list[Hashtag]] """A List of Hashtags on the Video""" as_dict: dict """The raw data associated with this Video.""" def __init__( self, id: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs, ): """ You must provide the id or a valid url, else this will fail. """ = id self.url = url if data is not None: self.as_dict = data self.__extract_from_data() elif url is not None: i, session = self.parent._get_session(**kwargs) = extract_video_id_from_url( url, headers=session.headers, proxy=kwargs.get("proxy") if kwargs.get("proxy") is not None else session.proxy, ) if getattr(self, "id", None) is None: raise TypeError("You must provide id or url parameter.")
[docs] async def info(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary of all data associated with a TikTok Video. Note: This is slow since it requires an HTTP request, avoid using this if possible. Returns: dict: A dictionary of all data associated with a TikTok Video. Raises: InvalidResponseException: If TikTok returns an invalid response, or one we don't understand. Example Usage: .. code-block:: python url = "" video_info = await """ i, session = self.parent._get_session(**kwargs) proxy = ( kwargs.get("proxy") if kwargs.get("proxy") is not None else session.proxy ) if self.url is None: raise TypeError("To call you need to set the video's url.") r = requests.get(self.url, headers=session.headers, proxies=proxy) if r.status_code != 200: raise InvalidResponseException( r.text, "TikTok returned an invalid response.", error_code=r.status_code ) # Try SIGI_STATE first # extract tag <script id="SIGI_STATE" type="application/json">{..}</script> # extract json in the middle start = r.text.find('<script id="SIGI_STATE" type="application/json">') if start != -1: start += len('<script id="SIGI_STATE" type="application/json">') end = r.text.find("</script>", start) if end == -1: raise InvalidResponseException( r.text, "TikTok returned an invalid response.", error_code=r.status_code ) data = json.loads(r.text[start:end]) video_info = data["ItemModule"][] else: # Try __UNIVERSAL_DATA_FOR_REHYDRATION__ next # extract tag <script id="__UNIVERSAL_DATA_FOR_REHYDRATION__" type="application/json">{..}</script> # extract json in the middle start = r.text.find('<script id="__UNIVERSAL_DATA_FOR_REHYDRATION__" type="application/json">') if start == -1: raise InvalidResponseException( r.text, "TikTok returned an invalid response.", error_code=r.status_code ) start += len('<script id="__UNIVERSAL_DATA_FOR_REHYDRATION__" type="application/json">') end = r.text.find("</script>", start) if end == -1: raise InvalidResponseException( r.text, "TikTok returned an invalid response.", error_code=r.status_code ) data = json.loads(r.text[start:end]) default_scope = data.get("__DEFAULT_SCOPE__", {}) video_detail = default_scope.get("", {}) if video_detail.get("statusCode", 0) != 0: # assume 0 if not present raise InvalidResponseException( r.text, "TikTok returned an invalid response structure.", error_code=r.status_code ) video_info = video_detail.get("itemInfo", {}).get("itemStruct") if video_info is None: raise InvalidResponseException( r.text, "TikTok returned an invalid response structure.", error_code=r.status_code ) self.as_dict = video_info self.__extract_from_data() return video_info
[docs] async def bytes(self, **kwargs) -> bytes: """ Returns the bytes of a TikTok Video. TODO: Not implemented yet. Example Usage: .. code-block:: python video_bytes ='7041997751718137094').bytes() # Saving The Video with open('saved_video.mp4', 'wb') as output: output.write(video_bytes) """ raise NotImplementedError i, session = self.parent._get_session(**kwargs) downloadAddr = self.as_dict["video"]["downloadAddr"] cookies = await self.parent.get_session_cookies(session) cookie_str = "; ".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in cookies.items()]) h = session.headers h["cookie"] = cookie_str # Fetching the video bytes using a browser fetch within the page context file_bytes = await """ async (url, headers) => { const response = await fetch(url, { headers }); if (response.ok) { const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); return new Uint8Array(buffer); } else { return `Error: ${response.statusText}`; // Return an error message if the fetch fails } } """, (downloadAddr, h), ) byte_values = [ value for key, value in sorted(file_bytes.items(), key=lambda item: int(item[0])) ] return bytes(byte_values)
def __extract_from_data(self) -> None: data = self.as_dict = data["id"] timestamp = data.get("createTime", None) if timestamp is not None: try: timestamp = int(timestamp) except ValueError: pass self.create_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) self.stats = data["stats"] author = data.get("author") if isinstance(author, str): = self.parent.user(username=author) else: = self.parent.user(data=author) self.sound = self.parent.sound(data=data) self.hashtags = [ self.parent.hashtag(data=hashtag) for hashtag in data.get("challenges", []) ] if getattr(self, "id", None) is None: Video.parent.logger.error( f"Failed to create Video with data: {data}\nwhich has keys {data.keys()}" )
[docs] async def comments(self, count=20, cursor=0, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Comment]: """ Returns the comments of a TikTok Video. Parameters: count (int): The amount of comments you want returned. cursor (int): The the offset of comments from 0 you want to get. Returns: async iterator/generator: Yields TikTokApi.comment objects. Example Usage .. code-block:: python async for comment in'7041997751718137094').comments(): # do something ``` """ found = 0 while found < count: params = { "aweme_id":, "count": 20, "cursor": cursor, } resp = await self.parent.make_request( url="", params=params, headers=kwargs.get("headers"), session_index=kwargs.get("session_index"), ) if resp is None: raise InvalidResponseException( resp, "TikTok returned an invalid response." ) for video in resp.get("comments", []): yield self.parent.comment(data=video) found += 1 if not resp.get("has_more", False): return cursor = resp.get("cursor")
[docs] async def related_videos( self, count: int = 30, cursor: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> Iterator[Video]: """ Returns related videos of a TikTok Video. Parameters: count (int): The amount of comments you want returned. cursor (int): The the offset of comments from 0 you want to get. Returns: async iterator/generator: Yields objects. Example Usage .. code-block:: python async for related_videos in'7041997751718137094').related_videos(): # do something ``` """ found = 0 while found < count: params = { "itemID":, "count": 16, } resp = await self.parent.make_request( url="", params=params, headers=kwargs.get("headers"), session_index=kwargs.get("session_index"), ) if resp is None: raise InvalidResponseException( resp, "TikTok returned an invalid response." ) for video in resp.get("itemList", []): yield found += 1
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return f"'{getattr(self, 'id', None)}')"